I have been working with RawData's, www.therawdata.com, CTO on the visuals for the next generation of our MoARC, Mobile Audio Recognition Client, application for the Android mobile OS while simultaneously working on the visuals for our survey app, I'm calling it QQs for Quick Question Surveys. Both apps will have nearly the same splash screen with only the app name swapped out. Here are my initial mockups for both.
Again, these are nothing more than the simple splash screens shown only while the program loads and both will go to unique landing pages that help the users into the apps and its' features. Those screens are forth coming.
Also, in VERY big news... at least for me... I am designing a promotional iOS app for the NBA team the Utah Jazz! My good friend will be doing the coding and development based on my designs! As I make progress on this I will be posting mockups here as well.