Thursday, June 7, 2012


So apparently the testing I did on the new gallery didn't actually survive to the live site. A friend pointed out some issues he saw in FireFox and I hadn't even bothered to test in IE, I knew it was probably broken to start with!

So, I have just spent several hours going through and figuring out the problem and it all came down to a single line of code. The reason why the body {background} would break the whole gallery is beyond me but I ended up having to target FireFox and IE uniquely with a background-color while Chrome can actually display the gallery the way I intended it. Whew.

Anyway, the gallery skin is where the changes reside so in the future, as long as I keep the skin files intact, I can skip all this hoopla and just make updates!


PS: Please let me know if anyone see anything broken in any of the main three browsers, thanks!

been to long...

Ok, so the first big news is some MASSIVE updates to the portfolio page. Lots of new content there including the shirts for the sub brand Lunacium Speed that I've been working on. Some new stuff and some old stuff and some big stuff like car wraps too. Take a look.

On the Lunacium Speed front, I've had a little set back on the financial side and I won't make my launch date of the 4th of July weekend but I hope to still get the line off the ground mid summer. Watch for updates.
